Why Me

A little bit about me...

… for those of you who don’t know I have been a personal trainer now for two years how ever I like to see my self more as a coach I am different to most trainers out there, I specialise in technique and how the body moves and why someone can’t do something in particular and how am I going to get them to do that something what ever it may be.

I guide people on how to lift weights and how to move properly and effectively. how to live their lives to they’re most fulfilment. I help people change there habits and I improve people’s over all mindsets through health and fitness.

Josh 1-1
coach at gym

I have now been coaching people from 5 years old all the way up to 80 years old on a 1-1 basis for a long period of time. I truly believe I now have the knowledge and experience to help coach who ever comes my way.

I train people from 16 all the way up to 80 years old. although mainly I would say my audience mainly would be from 25-50 years old. My goal is to improve your life, through exercise and over all wellbeing.

The positive impact I have on your life even if I only see you one hour per week will be dramatic. You will notice your productivity absolutely skyrockets. There are many personal trainers out there.. but why me?

This is why, Here at the top coach we pride ourself on 7 things:
1. Optimism
2. Hard work
3. Consistency
4. Positivity
5. Discipline
6. Humility
7. Accountability

It is so important to us to get the best out of you, and for you to become the best version of yourself. We will make sure you are Optimistic in your workouts and not pessimistic, This is very important you have to believe you will succeed and you will lose weight you will become stronger and you will became better.
We will make sure you work to the hardest and best ability that you can, others around you should push you to work harder, but you should never compare yourself to others. You are on your own Journey no one else’s journey.